
Privacy Policy v1.1

Welcome to the International Logistics Group Ltd’s privacy notice for our clients and contacts.

International Logistics Group respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy notice will inform you as to how we look after your personal data when you visit our website (regardless of where you visit it from) and when you use our services and will tell you about our privacy rights and how the law protects you.

This privacy notice is provided in a layered format so you can click through to the specific areas set out below. Please also use the Glossary to understand the meaning of some of the terms used in this privacy notice.

Important information and who we are


Purpose of this privacy notice

This privacy notice aims to give you information on how International Logistics Group collects and processes your personal data through your use of this website, including any data you may provide through this website when you enquire about our services, or where we interact with you in order to provide you with our services.

This website is not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children.

It is important that you read this privacy notice together with any other privacy notice or fair processing notice we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal data about you so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using your data. This privacy notice supplements the other notices and is not intended to override them.


International Logistics Group is the controller and responsible for your personal data (collectively referred to as International Logistics Group, “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy notice).

We have appointed a data protection officer (DPO) who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this privacy notice. If you have any questions about this privacy notice, including any requests to exercise your legal rights, please contact the DPO using the details set out below.

Contact details

Our full details are:

Full name of legal entity: International Logistics Group Limited

Email address: dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com

Postal address: ILG UK, Logistics House, Charles Avenue, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9TQ

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk). We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact us in the first instance.

Changes to the privacy notice and your duty to inform us of changes

We keep our privacy policy under regular review. This version was last updated 12th August 2022 and historic versions can be obtained by contacting us.

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us.

Third-party links

This website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. When you leave our website, we encourage you to read the privacy notice of every website you visit.

The data we collect about you


Personal data, or personal information, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you which we have grouped together follows:

  • Identity Data includes first name, last name, username or similar identifier, title, gender.
  • Contact Data includes business address, email address and telephone numbers.
  • Transaction Data includes details about payments to and from you and other details of products and services you have purchased from us.
  • Technical Data includes internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website.
  • Profile Data includes your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses.
  • Usage Data includes information about how you use our website, products and services.
  • Marketing and Communications Data includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and your communication preferences.

We also collect, use and share Aggregated Data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this privacy notice.

We do not collect any Special Categories of Personal Data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data). Nor do we collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.

If you fail to provide personal data

Where we need to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of a contract we have with you and you fail to provide that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you (for example, to provide you with goods or services). In this case, we may have to cancel a product or service you have with us but we will notify you if this is the case at the time.

How is your personal data collected


We use different methods to collect data from and about you including through:

Direct interactions. You may give us your Identity or Contact Data by filling in forms or by corresponding with us by post, phone, email or otherwise. This includes personal data you provide when you:

  • create an account on our website;
  • enquire about our services;
  • subscribe to our service or become a client;
  • request marketing to be sent to you; or
  • give us some feedback or contact us

Automated technologies or interactions. As you interact with our website, we may automatically collect Technical Data about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns. We collect this personal data by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. Please see our cookie policy for further details.

Third parties or publicly available sources. We may receive personal data about you from various third parties and public sources as set out below:

  • Technical Data from the following parties:
    • analytics providers such as Google based outside the EU;
    • search information providers such as Bing based inside or outside the EU.

  • Identity and Contact Data from data brokers or aggregators such as Dun & Bradstreet Limited and TAMI Limited, based inside or outside the EU.
  • Identity and Contact Data from publicly available sources such as Companies House and the Electoral Register based inside the EU.
  • Identity and Contact Data from publicly available social media sources, including professional platforms such as LinkedIn.
How we use your personal data


We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • To respond to an enquiry you have made about our services
  • Where we need to perform the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you.
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
  • Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

See below to find out more about the types of lawful basis that we will rely on to process your personal data.

Generally we do not rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data other than in relation to sending third party direct marketing communications to you via email or text message. You have the right to withdraw consent to marketing at any time by contacting the DPO.

Purposes for which we will use your personal data

We have set out below, in a table format, a description of all the ways we plan to use your personal data, and which of the legal bases we rely on to do so. We have also identified what our legitimate interests are where appropriate.

Note that we may process your personal data for more than one lawful ground depending on the specific purpose for which we are using your data. Please contact the DPO if you need details about the specific legal ground we are relying on to process your personal data where more than one ground has been set out in the table below.

Purpose/ActivityType of DataLawful basis for processing including basis of legitimate interest
To register your enquiry(a) Identity
(b) Contact
Respond to your enquiry and inform you about our services
To register you as a new customer(a) Identity
(b) Contact
Performance of a contract with you
To process and deliver your order including:
(a) Manage payments, fees and charges
(b) Collect and recover money owed to us
(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Transaction
(d) Marketing and Communications
(a) Performance of a contract with you
(b) Necessary for our legitimate interests (to recover debts due to us)
To manage our relationship with you which will include:
(a) Notifying you about changes to our terms or privacy policy
(b) Asking you to leave a review or take a survey
(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Transaction
(d) Marketing and Communications
(a) Performance of a contract with you
(b) Necessary to comply with a legal obligation
(c) Necessary for our legitimate interests (to keep our records updated and to study how customers use our products/services)
To administer and protect our business and this website (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting and hosting of data)(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Technical
(a) Necessary for our legitimate interests (for running our business, provision of administration and IT services, network security, to prevent fraud and in the context of a business reorganisation or group restructuring exercise)
(b) Necessary to comply with a legal obligation
To deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve to you(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Profile
(d) Usage
(e) Marketing and Communications
(f) Technical
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to study how customers use our products/services, to develop them, to grow our business and to inform our marketing strategy)
To use data analytics to improve our website, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences(a) Technical
(b) Usage
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to define types of customers for our products and services, to keep our website updated and relevant, to develop our business and to inform our marketing strategy)
To make suggestions and recommendations to you about goods or services that may be of interest to you(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Technical
(d) Usage
(e) Profile
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to develop our products/services and grow our business)

We strive to provide you with choices regarding certain personal data uses, particularly around marketing and advertising. We have established the following personal data control mechanisms:

Promotional offers from us
We may use your Identity, Contact, Technical, Usage and Profile Data to form a view on what we think you may want or need, or what may be of interest to you. This is how we decide which products, services and offers may be relevant for you (we call this marketing).

You will receive marketing communications from us if you have requested information from us or purchased goods or services from us and, in each case, you have not opted out of receiving that marketing.

Opting out
You can ask us to stop sending you marketing messages at any time following the opt-out links on any marketing message sent to you or by contacting the DPO at any time.

Where you opt out of receiving these marketing messages, this will not apply to personal data provided to us as a result of a product/service purchase, product/service experience or other transactions.

You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of this website may become inaccessible or not function properly. For more information about the cookies we use, please see our Cookie Policy.

Change of purpose
We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If you wish to get an explanation as to how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please contact the DPO.

If we need to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

Please note that we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.

Third-party Marketing
We do not intend to share your information with any third parties for marketing purposes. However, if this were to change, we would get your express opt-in consent before we share your personal data with any third party for marketing purposes.

Disclosure of your personal data


We may have to share your personal data with the parties set out below for the purposes set out in the table in paragraph 4 above.

  • External Third Parties as set out in the Glossary.
  • Third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your personal data in the same way as set out in this privacy notice.

We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

International Transfers


We do not transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). We will share your personal data within the Company group. This may involve transferring your data outside of the UK.

We may transfer personal data to third parties including subcontractors or agents to fulfil the contracts we have concluded with you. Many of our external third parties may transfer or process your personal data outside the EEA in order to fulfil the delivery of the products under a contract. Please review the privacy policies or privacy notices of any third party involved in the transaction.

We work alongside certain third parties who may constitute an international transfer. This includes Customer Relationship Management solution providers such as Hubspot, Inc who are based within the US, whilst having EEA based data processing centers. We have ensured that we have in place the appropriate safeguards with Hubspot, Inc.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the EEA we will ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring that one of the following safeguards is implemented:

  • Where the third party country have been deemed to provide adequate level of protection of personal data.
  • Where we use specific contracts approved for use in the UK which give personal data the same protection it has in the UK or EEA.
  • Any other applicable safeguards which exist from time to time.
Data Security


We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

Data Retention


How long will you use my personal data for?

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

By law we have to keep basic information about our customers (including Contact, Identity and Transaction Data) for six years after they cease being customers for tax purposes.

In some circumstances you can ask us to delete your data: see Request erasure below for further information.

In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.

Your legal rights


Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. Please click on the links below to find out more about these rights:

  • Request access to your personal data.
  • Request correction of your personal data.
  • Request erasure of your personal data.
  • Object to processing of your personal data.
  • Request restriction of processing your personal data.
  • Request transfer of your personal data.
  • Right to withdraw consent.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com.

No fee usually required

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

What we may need from you

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.

Time limit to respond

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated.




Legitimate Interest means the interest of our business in conducting and managing our business to enable us to give you the best service/product and the best and most secure experience. We make sure we consider and balance any potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights before we process your personal data for our legitimate interests. We do not use your personal data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted to by law). You can obtain further information about how we assess our legitimate interests against any potential impact on you in respect of specific activities by contacting dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com

Performance of Contract means processing your data where it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract.

Comply with a legal or regulatory obligation means processing your personal data where it is necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation that we are subject to.


Internal Third Parties

Other companies in the Company Group acting as joint controllers or processors.

External Third Parties

  • Service providers acting as processors who provide distribution and carrier services, IT and system administration services.
  • Professional advisers acting as processors or joint controllers including lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance and accounting services.
  • HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities acting as processors or joint controllers who require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances.


You have the right to:

Request access to your personal data (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.

Request correction of the personal data that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you corrected, though we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us.

Request erasure of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal data where you have successfully exercised your right to object to processing (see below), where we may have processed your information unlawfully or where we are required to erase your personal data to comply with local law. Note, however, that we may not always be able to comply with your request of erasure for specific legal reasons which will be notified to you, if applicable, at the time of your request.

Object to processing of your personal data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground as you feel it impacts on your fundamental rights and freedoms. You also have the right to object where we are processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information which override your rights and freedoms.

Request restriction of processing of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data in the following scenarios: (a) if you want us to establish the data’s accuracy; (b) where our use of the data is unlawful but you do not want us to erase it; (c) where you need us to hold the data even if we no longer require it as you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or (d) you have objected to our use of your data but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.

Request the transfer of your personal data to you or to a third party. We will provide to you, or a third party you have chosen, your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Note that this right only applies to automated information which you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the information to perform a contract with you.

Withdraw consent at any time where we are relying on consent to process your personal data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.


ILG Privacy Policy v1.1 13.02.24 

ILG Environmental Policy v5

ILG recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal requirements. We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance, as an integral part of our business strategy. We will encourage customers, suppliers and others to do the same.

Our Environmental Policy and our ISO 14001 Environmental Management System provides the framework for setting environmental objectives. These will be regularly reviewed and communicated to parties interested in our environmental performance.


The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring that the Environmental Policy is implemented. However, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.

Policy Aims

We endeavour to:

  • Manage our processes, our materials and our people to prevent pollution and reduce our negative environmental impacts, while contributing to positive improvements
  • Fulfil our compliance obligations, including legislation and other requirements
  • Strive for continual improvement to enhance our environmental performance
  • Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions
  • Increase employee awareness and training

Environmental Objectives

Our main environmental objectives are to:

Minimise Our Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We will:

  • Calculate our carbon footprint each year to understand and reduce our significant carbon emissions

Improve Energy and Water Efficiency                

We will:

  • Seek to reduce the amount of energy used as much as possible
  • Switch off lights and electrical equipment when not in use
  • Adjust heating controls to save energy
  • Consider energy consumption and efficiency when purchasing new products

Reduce the Impact of Our Transport               

We will:

  • Reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessity trips only
  • Promote the use of travel alternatives such as email or video/phone conferencing
  • Make efforts to accommodate the needs of those using public transport or bicycles
  • Favour lower carbon vehicles and maintain them rigorously to ensure ongoing efficiency
  • Plan routes of our own fleet of vans to reduce environmental impact

Minimise and Manage Our Waste                   

We will:

  • Minimise waste, materials and packaging whenever possible
  • Recycle as much waste as possible
  • Store and dispose of waste in a responsible manner
  • Only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste

Use Recycled and Recyclable Packaging             

We will:

  • Reduce packaging as much as possible
  • Seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper and packaging products
  • Reuse and recycle all paper where possible
  • Recycle cardboard and plastic packaging using the cardboard and plastic bailer

Investigate Green Procurement Options         

We will:

  • Investigate materials, products and components with a lower environmental impact – this includes packaging, cleaning materials and when doing office refurbishments
  • Use local labour and materials where available to reduce emissions from commuting and deliveries, plus help the local community
  • Encourage our suppliers to support our objectives
  • Work with our customers to understand their own environmental impacts (particularly packaging and waste) and assist them to make improvements where we are able

Monitoring and Implementation

We will review this policy and progress of our Environmental Management System with staff representatives at the quarterly ‘Employee Rep’ meeting and the Board will review annually. For greater commitment and improved performance, staff will be involved through our Green Champion Network, and they will receive relevant environmental training.

Tom Ashley, Managing Director

Link to: ILG Environmental Policy v5 27.08.24 

Job Applicants Privacy Policy v1.2


This notice explains how ILG will hold and process your information insofar as it relates to you in your capacity as a job applicant. It explains your rights as a data subject regarding the personal data ILG holds about you.

ILG takes the security and privacy of your personal data seriously. We need to gather and use information or ‘data’ about you as part of our business and to manage our relationship with you.

ILG is the data controller for the information you provide during the process unless otherwise stated. If you have any queries about the process or how we handle your information, please contact us at recruitment@ilguk.com.

As we are the controller, we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use the information provided. The purpose of this privacy notice is to inform you how and why we use your personal data, namely for the purposes of the recruitment exercise. It will also set out how long we will usually retain this information for and explain certain information that we must provide under the UK GDPR.

What will we do with the information you provide to us?

All of the information you provide during the process will only be used for the purpose of progressing your application, or to fulfil legal or regulatory requirements if necessary. We will not share any of the information you provide during the recruitment process with any third parties for marketing purposes or store any of your information outside of the European Economic Area.

The information you provide will be held securely by us and/or our data processors whether the information is in electronic or physical format.

We will use the contact details you provide to us to contact you to progress your application. We will use the other information you provide to assess your suitability for the role you have applied for.

What information do we ask for, and why?

We do not collect more information than we need to fulfil our stated purposes and will not retain it for longer than is necessary. The information we ask for is used to assess your suitability for employment. You don’t have to provide what we ask for, but it might affect your application if you don’t. Additionally, you may also provide information above and beyond the information that we request including information in your CVs or provided during the process.

We hold many types of data about you, which may include personal details including your name, address, date of birth, email address, phone numbers.  We will also retain any photograph, equal opportunities data, as well as information included on your CV or application including references, education history and employment history.

We may also carry out background checks, including with referees, which may provide us with information that we may use in assessing your suitability for a role.

Application stage

When you use our online application system, this will be collected by a data processor on our behalf (please see below).  We ask you for your personal details including name and contact details. We will also ask you about your previous experience, education, referees and for answers to questions relevant to the role you have applied for. Our recruitment team and hiring managers will have access to all of this information.

You may also be asked to provide equal opportunities information. This is not mandatory information – if you don’t provide it, it will not affect your application. This information will not be made available to any staff outside of our recruitment and HR team in a way which can identify you. Any information you do provide, will be used only to produce and monitor equal opportunities statistics.

Where you provide us with any information about your disability status, we will only use this sensitive personal information to consider any appropriate adjustments we will need to provide during the recruitment process, for example whether adjustments will be needed during an interview.


Our recruitment team and hiring managers shortlist applications for interview. They will be provided with the details submitted with your application with the exception of your equal opportunities’ information.


We might ask you to participate in assessment days; complete tests or occupational personality profile questionnaires; and/or to attend an interview – or a combination of these. Information will be generated by you and by us. For example, you might complete a written test, or we might take interview notes. This information is held by ILG.

If you are unsuccessful following assessment for the position you have applied for, we will retain your details in our talent pool for a period of six months. This is so we can proactively contact you should any further suitable vacancies arise. Following your application outcome should you wish to ‘Opt Out’ of our talent pool please inform us by emailing via recruitment@ilguk.com and we will then remove you from the talent pool.

Conditional offer

If we make a conditional offer of employment, we will ask you for information so that we can carry out pre-employment checks. You must successfully complete pre-employment checks to progress to a final offer. We are required to confirm the identity of our staff, their right to work in the United Kingdom and seek assurance as to their trustworthiness, integrity and reliability.

We use a third-party provider, who will contact you to ask you to register on their system and then provide certain information to them in order to check your right to work and any criminal records check.  Information they or we require may include, but is not limited to the following:

You will therefore be required to provide:

  • Proof of your identity.
  • Proof of your qualifications.
  • Application for a Basic Criminal Record check via the Disclosure and Barring Service which will verify your declaration of unspent convictions. We are entitled to carry out these checks in order to satisfy ourselves that there is nothing in your criminal convictions history which makes you unsuitable for the role.
  • We will contact your referees, using the details you provide in your application, directly to obtain references.
  • We will also ask you to complete a questionnaire about your health. This is to establish your fitness to work.
  • If we make a final offer, we will also ask you for bank details and national insurance details in order to pay you, plus your family or other emergency contact details in case you have an emergency at work.

If you fail to provide information which is necessary for us to consider your application (such as evidence of qualifications or work history), we will not be able to process your application successfully. For example, if we require evidence of right to work or references for the role and you fail to provide us with relevant details, we will not be able to take your application further.

Use of data processors

Data processors are third parties who provide elements of our recruitment service for us. We have contracts in place with our data processors. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do it. They will not share your personal information with any organisation apart from us. They will hold it securely and retain it for the period we instruct.

In terms of data processors, and the collection of personal data, we may collect data from the following sources:

  • Recruitment Agencies and/or our applicant tracking system provider
  • Background Check Providers and Credit Check Agencies
  • Disclosure and Barring Service
  • Your named and provided Referees
  • Other third parties who, from time to time, may provide us with information relating to the recruitment process

Online applications

If you use our online application system, you will provide the requested information to our provider who provides this online service for us. Once you ‘click to apply’ you will be taken to their ILG portal they will hold the information you submit but ILG will have access to it. Here is a link to their Privacy Notice:  https://www.webrecruit.co/uk/about/privacy/

How long is the information retained for?

If you are successful, the information you provide during the application process will be retained by us as part of your employee file for the duration of your employment plus 6 years following the end of your employment. This includes your criminal records declaration, fitness to work, records of any security checks and references.

If you are unsuccessful at any stage of the process, the information you have provided until that point will be retained for 6 months from the closure of the vacancy.  Information generated throughout the assessment process, for example interview notes, is retained by us for 6 months following the closure of the vacancy.

Equal opportunities information is retained for 6 months following the closure of the vacancy whether you are successful or not.

Our applicant tracking system provider will provide us with management information about our recruitment. This is anonymised information which tells us about the effectiveness of campaigns, for example, from which source did we get the most candidates, equal opportunities information for monitoring purposes. This anonymised information will be retained for 6 years from the end of the campaign.

When you applied for a role, you will have provided your consent to our processing your personal information for the purposes of the recruitment exercise. You have the right to withdraw your consent for processing for that purpose at any time by contacting the data protection office. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your application and the rules of our retention policy will be followed in disposing of your data securely.

How do we make decisions about recruitment?

No decision which has a significant impact on you will be made about you solely on the basis of automated decision making (where a decision is taken about you using an electronic system without human involvement).

Final recruitment decisions are made by hiring managers and members of our recruitment team. All of the information gathered during the application process is considered. You are able to ask about decisions made about your application by speaking to your contact within our recruitment team or by emailing recruitment@ilguk.com.

Your rights

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR, you have rights as an individual which you can exercise in relation to the information we hold about you. For more information on these rights please refer to our general privacy policy. If you wish to exercise any of your rights set out above, please contact dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com.

Complaints or queries

ILG tries to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. For this reason, we take any complaints we receive about this very seriously. We encourage people to bring it to our attention if they think that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate. We would also welcome any suggestions for improving our procedures.

This privacy notice was drafted with clarity in mind. It does not provide exhaustive details of all aspects of ILG’s collection and use of personal information. However, we are happy to provide any additional information or explanation needed. Any requests for this should be sent to the address below.

If you want to make a complaint about the way we have processed your personal information, you can contact us via dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com

Making a subject access request

ILG tries to be as open as it can be in terms of giving people access to their personal information. Individuals can find out if we hold any personal information by making a ‘subject access request’. If we do hold information about you, we will give you a description of it, tell you why we are holding it, tell you who it could be disclosed to and let you have a copy of the information.

To make a request to the ILG for any personal information we may hold you need to put the request in writing addressing it to dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com, or writing to the address provided below.

If you agree, we will try to deal with your request informally, for example by providing you with the specific information you need over the telephone.  If we do hold information about you, you can ask us to correct any mistakes by, once again, contacting dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com

Changes to this privacy notice
We keep our privacy notice under regular review, and this was last updated in July 2024.

How to contact us

If you want to request information about our privacy policy you can email us or write to: Data Protection Officer, ILG, Logistics House, Charles Avenue, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TQ. dataprotectionofficer@ilguk.com

ILG Job Applicants Privacy Policy v1.2 08.07.24 

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy v1.1


At ILG, we are committed to operating our business in a sustainable and responsible manner. We recognise that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors are integral to our long-term success and the wellbeing of our stakeholders. This ESG policy outlines our commitment to addressing ESG issues and integrating them into our business practices.

What is Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)?

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) is a framework used to assess an organisation’s business practices and performance on various sustainability and ethical issues. It also provides a way to measure business risks and opportunities in those areas.

While sustainability, ethics and corporate governance are generally considered to be non-financial performance indicators, the role of an ESG policy and strategy is to ensure accountability and the implementation of systems and processes to manage a company’s impact, such as its carbon footprint and how it treats employees, suppliers and other stakeholders. ESG initiatives also contribute to broader business sustainability efforts that aim to position companies for long-term success based on responsible corporate management and business strategies.

The 3 Pillars of ESG

ESG includes the following key aspects of business life:

  • Environmental – issues related to environmental sustainability.
  • Social – the wellbeing of our employees, communities and other stakeholders.
  • Governance – principles and practices that guide the decision-making processes and overall accountability within our company.

The table below provides more information on the topics that each can include:

– Climate change strategy
– Waste reduction
– Pollution prevention
– Biodiverse conservation
– Reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption
– Efficient resource management, such as water and materials
– Human rights and labour practices
– Workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion
– Employee benefits
– Workplace health and safety
– Community engagement and support
– Responsible/ethical supply chain management
– Transparent and ethical corporate governance
– Risk management and compliance
– Ethical business practice
– Board independence, avoiding conflicts of interest.
– Accounting integrity and transparency

Our Commitment

At ILG we commit to the following actions:

Environmental (E)

  • Continuously monitor and reduce our environmental impact by implementing sustainable practices.
  • Set and strive to meet environmental performance goals, including reductions in carbon emissions, energy consumption and waste generation.
  • Adhere to all relevant environmental laws and regulations.
  • Promote environmental responsibility throughout our supply chain.

Social (S)

  • Foster a diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace where all employees are treated with respect and dignity.
  • Prioritise the health and safety of our employees, customers and communities.
  • Where possible, engage with and support the communities in which we operate.
  • Uphold human rights and ethical labour practices throughout our supply chain.
  • Ensure transparent communication with stakeholders on social responsibility matters.

Governance (G)

  • Maintain strong corporate governance practices, with a focus on transparency and accountability.
  • Appoint a range of board directors to ensure diverse perspectives and effective oversight.
  • Implement robust risk management and compliance programs.
  • Align executive compensation with sustainable, long-term performance.
  • Engage with our shareholders and respond to any of their concerns.


To fulfil our ESG commitments, ILG will:

  1. Establish clear ESG performance metrics and targets.
  2. Conduct regular assessments of our ESG performance and disclose results.
  3. Provide training and resources to employees to promote ESG awareness and compliance.
  4. Collaborate with suppliers and partners to encourage responsible ESG practices.
  5. Seek opportunities for innovation and improvement in ESG initiatives.

Our Alignment with UN Development Goals:

1. No Poverty

We are a provider of local employment and offer casual employment to those who need it. Our pay rates are above the national minimum wage. We work with charities focused on homelessness.

2. Zero Hunger

We provide local employment, supply fresh fruit deliveries to work locations, donate to food banks and work with charities focused on homelessness.

3. Good Health & Wellbeing

We focus on mental health, with Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) and mental health first aiders available to all colleagues, and EAPs open to some family members. We run a series of internal initiatives to promote colleague wellbeing, such as free fresh fruit deliveries to work locations.

4. Quality Education

We provide apprenticeships and support colleagues to obtain qualifications and progress their long-term development. We invest in training using local providers, often putting money back into local colleges.

5. Gender Equality

Our workforce is 41% women (much higher than our industry average), with approximately 30% of our management roles filled by women. We operate low-median gender pay and bonus gaps.

6. Clean Water & Sanitation

To reduce water-use on our premises we are replacing old taps with water-saving push-button alternatives in our washrooms and canteens. Our newer premises are fitted with rainwater harvesting.

7. Affordable & Clean Energy

We use green energy where possible. Some of our warehouses are fitted with solar panels, and all new premises will include as standard. We minimise miles covered by suppliers where possible.

8. Decent Work & Economic Growth

Our ongoing business expansion provides more jobs for local people and puts money back into the local economy. Where possible we spend money with local providers or smaller businesses.

9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Our facilities strategy is to replace older facilities with more modern, efficient and sustainable buildings rated BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Excellent’. We support the development of technology and innovation through our colleagues, suppliers and third-party partners. We drive continuous improvement through automation and the optimisation of processes using Kaizen and other tools.

10. Reduced Inequalities

We work with third parties to employ previously disadvantaged people such as ex-offenders. We offer employment to people with autism or similar conditions, and approximately 10% of our colleagues join us through this route.

11. Sustainable Cities & Communities

Where practicable we provide green spaces at our facilities to support wildlife and for our colleagues to enjoy.

12. Responsible Production & Consumption

Across the product lifecycle we explore ways to repurpose or recycle. 100% of our waste is reused and none goes to landfill. We are introducing plastic balers to all our facilities.

13. Climate Action

We are upgrading our premises to be more sustainable, and we provide free or subsidised EV charging points for our colleagues to use. We use recycled or sustainable packaging and are introducing more sustainable uniforms for our operations colleagues.

14. Life Below Water

By recycling, repurposing and processing our plastic waste we are reducing the overall volume of waste deposited in waterways and oceans and easing the threat to marine life. We no longer use plastic bags and bale our plastic waste for more effective containment and processing. We educate our colleagues on the causes, consequences and prevention of marine pollution.

15. Life on Land

We are committed to minimising the impact of waste and pollution on the environment. We send our used paper, glass, plastic, metal and end-of-life electronics to be recycled and promote digital communication and documentation to minimise printing on paper and the use of consumables. We work with customers and packaging partners to source recycled or more sustainable alternatives. We support wildlife initiatives such as beekeeping.

16. Peace & Justice Strong Institutions

Our policies on modern slavery and anti-bribery ensure our operations do not result in the indirect exploitation of children in the UK or overseas. We safeguard our colleagues by making sure they are employed directly by us or via legitimate third parties and not through labour gangs or other exploitative sources which may threaten their wellbeing. We check that each colleague is paid into their own bank account, and query situations where multiple colleagues are living at the same address. We adhere strictly to our policies on anti-bribery and ethical behaviour.

17. Partnerships for the Goals

We partner exclusively with organisations that share our values and ESG commitments.

Review and Update

We will periodically review and update this ESG policy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with evolving best practices and stakeholder expectations. Our commitment to ESG reflects our dedication to responsible business practices, and we invite feedback and engagement from all our stakeholders in this endeavour.

ILG ESG Policy v1.1 05.02.24